Wat is stoptober
What is Stoptober?
What is Stoptober? | As the autumn approaches each year, you may hear people talking about Stoptober; this annual campaign, which is run by Public Health England, aims to encourage people all over the country to give up smoking during the month of October. |
Stoptober: Ervaringen, hulp en statistieken | De landelijke campagne Stoptober helpt jaarlijks tienduizenden Nederlanders om te stoppen met roken in de maand oktober. |
Wat is stophoest | To find out more, click here. |
Stoptober: Ervaringen, hulp en statistieken | . |
Wat is het doel van stoptober
- Yorkshire Smokefree Stoptober is based on the theory that if you can give up smoking for more than 28 days, you are much more likely to quit for good. The idea is that you stop smoking at the end of September .
- What is Stoptober? Stoptober: An Introduction Launched by Public Health England, Stoptober is a national campaign designed to encourage smokers to quit smoking for 28 days during October. The goal is .
- In reality, the NHS has many ways of helping people quit, which is why we at Cancer Research UK are backing the new Stoptober campaign. Studies show that if you can .
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